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            Dreams are defined as a "sequence of sensations, images, thoughts, etc., passing through a sleeping person's mind and has been a topic of study dating back to 4000 B.C. One may say that dreams have been around as long as the first civilization came to be and are just a normal part of human existence. .
             In our dreams, we can go anywhere, we can be anybody, and we can do anything. When we dream, we are mere passengers, unable to control our actions and and surroundings. .
             Sometimes, dreams can be understood in the the context of repressed thoughts. Dreaming serves as an outlet for those thoughts and impulses we repress during the day. When we go to sleep at night and slip into our dream state, we feel liberated and behave and act in a manner that we do not allow ourselves in our waking life. .
             Some facts about dreams are:.
             1. One third of our lives is spent sleeping. .
             2. In your lifetime, you would've spent about 6 years of it dreaming. That is more than 2,100 days spent in a different world. .
             3. Dreams have been here as long as mankind. Back in the Roman Era, striking and significant dreams were submitted to the Senate for analysis and interpretation. .
             4. Everybody dreams. EVERYBODY! Simply because you do not remember your dream does not mean that you did not dream. .
             5. Dreams are indispensable. A lack of dream activity can mean protein deficiency or a personality disorder.
             6. We dream on average of one or two hours every night. And we often even have 4-7 dreams in one night. .
             7. Blind people do dream. Whether visual images will appear in their dream depends on whether they where blind at birth or became blind later in life. But vision is not the only sense that constitutes a dream. Sounds, tactility, and smell become hypersensitive for the blind and their dreams are based on these senses. .
             8. Five minutes after the end of the dream, half the content is forgotten. After ten minutes, 90% is lost.
             9. The word dream stems from the Middle English word, dreme which means "joy" and "music".

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