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English essay


            David Williamson's play "the Removalists-, Rob Stitches film "The castle- and Bruce Dave's poem "Mrs. Swipes speaks out- all use different types of techniques to reveal a persons character through their own spoken word. The spoken word may reveal many things about a character like their level of intelligence, the type of personality they have and other things about them.
             In David Williamson's play "The Removalists- the main characters Sergeant Dan Simmonds and Constable Neville Ross show what type of character each of them are when they interact with one another and others in the play. The opening scene is where Simmonds is examining Ross by continuously asking him questions. During this scene Simmonds and Ross have a long conversation, Simmonds shows Ross that he is the one that is in control and in charge. He shows this by asking Ross a lot of questions trying to find out what he does, what kind of background he came from, why he decided to join the police force etc. in some cases he ask personal question to Ross. For example Simmonds asks Ross "so what does your old man do for a crust?- This shows that Simmonds is dominating in this conversation asking Ross whatever questions he likes even though they are personal. During this conversation Simmonds also reveals from his spoken word that he is a very lazy person who doesn't like to do work "Listen bone brain, I have never drawn a gun in all my whole twenty-three years as a policeman-. Simmonds also uses a lot of slang in his words like night man, micks, slinging shit and nong. Simmonds doesn't use much formal language in his spoken word revealing that he doesn't have a high level of intelligence in the types of words he chooses to use, this is also shown through his continuous use of clichés as well "In like Flynn- and "chip on our shoulder-. During the conversations with Simmonds, Ross reveals what kind of person he is. Ross replies a lot with 1 worded or short answers like "no-, "yes- etc he doesn't really start much of a conversation this reveals that Ross is a very quiet type of person who just listens most of the time.

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