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Personal statement

            "No!" proclaimed the voice of authority that was my mother. Normally, I followed this line with a "why" or "why not"- however, this time was different, I remained silent. I had decided that today, "because I said so" would no longer be an acceptable explanation. The beginning of both my mother's frustrations and my "enlightenment" are dually marked by this day. With a thirst for "knowledge" I headed outside .
             In my life, it is the answer to this question-"why"- that I find so captivating. I believe that to simply take for granted something without first putting forth a valiant effort to understand its causes is to do oneself a disservice. Bridling the pursuit of understanding is to govern the racecar that is ones" mind. Without the desire for understanding, I would be but a shell of the person I have and have yet to become. .
             As I stated above, my desire to understand the world started at a young age. In Kindergarten, my fascination was with jet airplanes and what made them fly. I read (looked at) books on aviation, drew pictures of planes and idolized my cousin Mark who was a pilot in the Marines. Later, when I learned some of the basic laws of Physics my fascination subsided but the amazement remained- and does to this day. One cannot help but to respect the minds that ignored traditional thinking and laid the ground for what is today is an industry that is critical to the global trend. They dared to ask .
             In my preteen years, I moved on to buildings. For me, architecture was/ is intriguing not only because of the amazing complexity of some designs but how pleasing a functional structure can be to the eye. The technical expertise and artistry possessed by many an architect inspired me to spend hours in my private construction paper studio. I designed, drafted and constructed three dimensional buildings and geometric shapes- including a dodecahedron. In high school, the encouragements of teachers lead me to explore the possibility of getting a degree in architecture.

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