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A Sociological Perspective on Education

It is obvious that in the United States, education plays an integral role in an individual's life and role in society as a whole. Sociologists, however, view this role from many different points of view and ultimately come to different conclusions about what education truly achieves. One of these conclusions, which comes from a functionalist point of view, is the idea that the primary function of education is to help socialize children and prepare them for their eventual entrance into society as adults. Another one of these conclusions, which comes from a conflict theory point of view, believes that education widens the gap in social inequality. By using the above sociological perspectives of functionalism and conflict theory, we will look at how education's primary role – that of a functionalist perspective of promoting a functional society, is at the same time accompanied by a juxtaposed conflict theory perspective where a "by-product" of education is one that perp


My Father the Southpaw

In boxing, the term "southpaw" is used to describe the fighters who are left handed. These types of fighters are very few and far between, but when one comes around they say it is very hard to beat one because they can counter your every move. My father, Jerry Long, is a southpaw but has never stepped foot in a boxing ring. My father earned the title of southpaw through his battle with life, constantly getting hit time after time but continuing to stay in the match and delivering a few blows himself. Jerry Long is not a very extravagant man to most of the world. He is a husband, a father of two children, and a grandfather to one (soon to be two) grandchildren. He does not have the largest home or the most toys, but he has the heart of gold and the fight of a champion. As a child, my dad was behind me in everything I decided to do from playing footb


Divergent - Making Choices

The book "Divergent", was written by Veronica Roth. It is the first in a trilogy of books.In Divergent, the choices you make define you more than anything else in life. Making decisions and choices is a major theme in Divergent. Examples of decisions and choices in the book include the adolescents having to choose a faction, the situation when Tris killed Will and when Tris' mother, Natalie, sacrificed her own life for Tris. At the Choosing Ceremony, Tris had two options; stay with her family in Abnegation or start a new life by transferring to a different faction. Tris' aptitude tests were inconclusive which meant she was a suitable match to Abnegation, Erudite or Dauntless. This made her decision to choose a faction even more complex. To decide whether to stay true to your heritage and live in the faction you grew up in or to abandon your family and start anew is quite possibly the biggest decision the young people in Divergent had to make. Tris accepted that she would n


Corporate Social Responsibility

Executive Summary There are various activities in which a company can participate in without the aim of making sales or increasing revenue. Example of such kind of an activity is the company's participation in Corporate Social Responsibility. In this paper a clear and precise definition of Corporate Social Responsibility has been presented. The various arguments which act as inviting factors for companies to participate in CSR have also been addressed to give insight on the advantages of SCR. There are also arguments presented which hinder companies from fully participating in CSR. Finally a case study of Microsoft Company and some of the efforts it has done in undertaking CSR have been presented. 1.0 Introduction In a company or any other business, there are various legislations which govern it operations. Some requirement in a company are not in line to make profits but just to benefit the society around the company. Those kind of activities are what are collectively referred to a


Ethics of Social Media in the Business World

Abstract Due to the rise of social media use in the business world, companies are taking steps to combat the ethical issues that arise, with this topic. Many people are unaware of all the potential benefits that social media has to offer. Rather than focusing only on the potential negatives aspects social media can have on work productivity. It is the responsibility of both, the employer and employees, to come together and reach an agreement, in order to be as successful as possible in the work setting. Introduction Presently, social media is becoming more and more active in the business world. With the vast majority of social media sites ranging from your average sites like Facebook or LinkedIn to the less known, Tumblr or Second Life, people are logging on at the office. Contrary to the belief that social media is a burden on the workplace, it brings a large number of benefits that companies can take advantage of, to the table. When dealing with social media it is a rather difficul


Modern-Day Business and the Downfall of Unions

At one point in history, unions were a very powerful tool in creating the fair labor practices that occur today. Labor unions were needed during these times to fight for improved working conditions, better wages, better hours, etc. Presently, union membership is at an all-time low, with only 11.3% overall union membership, 35.9% in the public sector and 6.6% in the private sector[ CITATION Uni13 l 1033 ]. Both rates for the public and private sector are down from 37% and 6.9% union memberships, in 2011[ CITATION Ste12 l 1033 ]. Every year, the number of membership's decreases and decreases, and eventually unions will cease to exist. Within the next 10 years, research has proven that unions will continue to diminish. Present day unions seem to be doing more harm than good; they are costing the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars, without producing results. Take public education for example, the teachers' unions complain how little money they have and demand more in order to make improvements to the educational system. As a result, taxes increase and the school system gets the money they requested. Unfortunately, no improvements are ever made [ CITATION Joh11 l 1033 ]. Anoth


Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea

In Ernest Hemingway's novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago initially undergoes traumatic pain. Having gone eighty-four days without catching a fish, Santiago becomes the fool of his small village. However, Santiago withstands the pressure in every conflict, regardless of how perilous he is. He resolves to sail out beyond the other fishermen to where the biggest fish might be: ".. he looked behind him and saw that no land was visible" (46). It is evident that to become a hero in his village, he must capture a magnificent fish. To find and keep this fish, Santiago must develop great fortitude and determination. In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago's character transforms from a humble fisherman to a model of heroic manhood. Santiago's transformation begins in his struggle with the catch of his life. This struggle soon becomes a war of attrition. Santiago has developed humility and become modest since he lives in poverty. "The sail was


Creatively Building a Sustainable City

Sustainability can be defined as keeping something going through time. Sustainability first appeared in an ecological context in the 1970s alongside the emerging environmental movement (Litke, 2006). There are three E's that define sustainability and they are the environment, economics, and equity. Throughout history, many cities have tried to develop ways to acquire a sustainable city. "A sustainable city enables all its citizens to meet their needs and to enhance their well-being, without degrading the natural world or the lives of other people, now or in the future." Due to a mass increase in populations, social injustice, climate change, and dependence on fossil fuels many cities in history were unable to sustain their cities. Given the dynamic uncertainty of this era, creativity is increasingly essential for the survival of individuals, cultures, and even nature, as complex conflicts arise about the distribution of power and resources across groups, communities, and soc


The Power of Prayer

What is prayer? Prayer is our direct line with heaven. Prayer is a communication process that allows us to talk to God. He wants us to communicate with Him, like a person-to-person phone call. Cell phones and other devices have become a necessity to some people in today's society. We have Bluetooth devices, iPhones, and talking computers. These are means of communication that allow two or more people to interact, discuss, and respond to one another. To many people, prayer seems complicated, but it is simply talking to God. We are all children of God. He loves us and knows our needs, and He wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. We should pray to Him and no one else. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded, "Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name" (3 Nephi 18:19). As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. Our desires will become more like His. We will be able to secure for ourselves and fo


Medicine and the Importance of Effective Communication

It is important to have excellent communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care. As a medical professional, you need to be able to have a good conversation with your colleagues and most importantly the patient you are looking after, so they can be able to receive the best care possible. Without excellent communication and interpersonal interaction, this could lead to far-reaching outcomes. For instance, Daniel Pelka who was starved, tortured and murdered by his family and the school failed to recognise that he was being neglected because there wasn't good communication between the young child and his teachers to make sure everything was alright at home this caused his death. As nobody noticed the abuse going on the health care services got blamed a lot for what happened as it went against Child Act 2014, which I think is appalling because if health care services abide by the law, this would have saved him from the abuse and also other children that have been


The Concept of Fate in Ethan Frome

Fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Scientific determinism is the ideology that we cannot control our fate and are impacted by our environment. Wharton reinvents the use of setting as the fundamental element in Ethan Frome. Some aspects such as the dreariness the town of Starkfield comes with are beyond Ethan's control, but he is not a victim of his life events, the characters, or his town. Ethan's fate predominantly lied in his own hands and his tragic flaw was his feeling of obligation and duty to his family members, which is what kept him from making the choice to leave them behind, therefore forging his own happiness. Wharton illustrates Ethan to be a victim of his physical and social environment, I disagree with her and believe if he truly wanted to overcome his struggles he was capable of doing so. Wharton weaves the physical aspects of the weather and landscape so tightly among the characters' inner feelings that the two become interchangeable. The death of Ethan's parents took him away from his engineering s


Dictatorship Under the Third Reich

The day Adolf Hitler was announced Chancellor of Germany marked the beginning of one of the most devastating epochs in world history. It was his dictatorship that inflamed the hatred of Jews amongst Germany. It was also his dictatorship and his notorious propaganda that led to World War II and the deaths of over six million Jews (Cesarani). But what did Hitler do to establish this inimical dictatorship? First he formed his anti-semitic political party, next he used propaganda to gain power and spread hatred against Jews, then he created laws to cause uttermost suffering for Jews, and at last he expanded his rule to other European countries. Foremost, Hitler started off his career as a propaganda officer of the German Workers' Party, one of Germany's political parties later known as the Nazis. This political party supported anti- semitism, or the hatred of Jews. They hated Jews simply because they were racially and biologically distinct, and were considered as the inferior part of soci


The Evolution of Technology

"The human skin is an artificial boundary: the world wanders into it, and the self wanders out of it, traffic is two-way and constant" - Bernard Wolfe, 1963 Since the conception of man, philosophers and historians the world over have struggled to define what it means to be human. With the advent of modern technology it has become increasingly relevant as to whether we can artificially engineer life. We have constantly been defining and redefining what it means to be human and this journey comes hand in hand with technological advancements. Modern technology has become so integral to our lives as individuals and as a society. It has become such a predominant part of our everyday lifestyles, having a huge impact on our ideas of humanism, transhumanism and the future of AI. It was Marshall McLuhan that first introduced the concept that technology fundamentally serves as an extension of ourselves. It is with this notion in mind that we ask what it truly means to be human. Our


The Force of Love in Romeo and Juliet

In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, love is a destructive force. However, we can't say it is the most harmful. We must consider other key themes in the play such as hate and fate. These forces all aid the eventual deaths of Juliet, Romeo, Paris, Mercutio and Tybalt. These powers are all similar in strength and harmfulness. But the strongest one is hate. Hate is the catalyst for almost every theme in the play, be it love, free will or even trust. They cannot exist or have the same impact without hate. Love is an extremely important theme in the play that causes death and depression however it is not always a bad force. Love is one of the main causes of Romeo and Juliet's death but in doing this it ends the ancient fighting between the two families. Affection also destroyed Juliet's relationship with her parents, she says that '' she will not marry yet'' and when she does '' it shall be Romeo... rather than Paris'', this causes Lady Capulet to call Juliet a "disobedient wretch". Romeo risks his life to be with Juliet, she tells him that "if they do see thee, they will murder thee". The love between Romeo and Juliet is described as "too rash, too sudd


Angel Island: Gateway of the Pacific

One of the largest and most wealthy countries in the world, the United States of America, has gone through many changes in its long history. From winning its independence from Great Britain to present day, America has changed dramatically and continues to change. A term first coined in the 1840s, "Manifest Destiny" helped push America into the next century and make the country part of what it is today. During the late 1880s and 1940s immigration was a form of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was a 19th-century doctrine, belief and government policy of imperialistic expansion defended as necessary or benevolent. There was concern among the U.S. public, as well as policymakers and the press, that "new" immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe, as well as Asia were somehow different from previous generations of Western European immigrants to the United States and whether their supposed differences posed a threat to U.S. society and culture. The so-called science of eug


Significance of Diotima Within Plato's Symposium

Within Plato's Symposium, a series of six dialogues regarding the nature of Love are discussed at length. However, it is the very last dialogue – in which Socrates recalls his encounter with Diotima, a female philosopher and priestess – which stands out amongst them all. In an ironic twist, Diotima effectively uses the Socratic method on the very man himself – Socrates. In this roll, she becomes the truth-teller where he remains the ever-searching truth-seeker. Moreover, the interaction between Diotima and Socrates effectually turns the course of the discussion in a different direction; one that not only differs from its predecessors, but also ends in a momentous resolution for Socrates throughout his struggles in his pursuit of the truth. One aspect that made the interaction with Diotima particularly profound is that it challenged the assumptions which were previously unquestioned by the men who came before her in the Symposium; that Love is a god, which pursues the often-imbalanced relationship between two lovers. This questioning strips the previously unchallenged arguments down to their bare bones to expose the


Developing Counselling Skills in Health and Social Care

Task 1: LO1 Understand how theoretical perspectives apply to counselling work in health and social care 1.1 Compare the contribution of major theorists to the different perspectives used in counselling. For this part of the assignment I have chosen: • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy • Humanistic Approach (also known as Person-Centred Approach); and • Psychoanalysis Approach. Each of these approaches is based on certain assumptions and beliefs about human nature and focuses on explaining a part of human experience. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is based on the scientific study of taking two therapies, cognitive therapy and behavioural therapy, and combining the two. Behavioural therapy is based on the fact that people can learn behaviours through classical conditioning, which was first recorded by Ivan Pavlov at the end of the nineteenth century, and operant conditioning (Skinner, 1953.) who believed that the work of behavioural therapists is focussing in helping their


Literary Analysis - Hills Like White Elephants

"Hills Like White Elephants," written by Ernest Hemingway, is a captivating fictional story that is filled with hidden messages, themes, and symbolism. Hemingway's short story dates back to almost ninety years ago, initially appearing in a collection titled "Men Without Women" in 1927. In "Hills Like White Elephants," the reader finds themselves eavesdropping in on a younger man and woman communicating at a train station in Zaragosa, Spain. Focusing on the dialogue between the girl "Jig" and the man identified as "The American," conflict begins to arise and brings the reader to the conclusion that the couple is dealing with the burdensome obstacle of unplanned pregnancy. Many different themes such as one's choices and the consequences that follow, doubt and ambiguity, as well as the relationship between man and woman develop throughout the story. Hemingway also exhibits various examples of symbolism including the attention to detail des


H. H. Holmes - Serial Murderer

Abstract Doctor Henry Howard Holmes was one of the first extreme serial killers to appear in the United States in the late 1800's. Known for killing hundreds in his famous Murder Castle in Chicago IL. Notorious for his ways of disposing and torturing the victims who crossed his path; Holmes is top ten of the most dangerous serial killers to ever live. Holmes was my first pick for this paper as he went above and beyond with his torture castle a hotel nightmare for tourists in the area attending the State Fair of Illinois. Although he admits to having many victims; some victims were found still alive although he said he killed them; maybe for fame? Holmes was a very smart and brilliant man of his century. He was the architect of his own murder castle and was the only person to know the blue prints of the entire building. Holmes attended the Medical University and graduated with a PhD in his major. Holmes childhood was not perfect by any means; a broken family and classmates who teased


The WorldCom Financial Fraud

The WorldCom fraud is one of the largest scandals in the U.S economy. WorldCom's top-level managers violated the GAAP by capitalizing operating expenses and overstated their earnings by $11 billion; which resulted in losses worth $30 billion for investors and 30,000 employees lost their jobs. The WorldCom financial fraud had a permanent effect on the lives of its stakeholders and is a perfect example of how accounting firms are paying for their shortsighted strategies to earn a profit. The stakeholders in the WorldCom case are as follows: a) Bernie Ebbers: Chief Executive Officer b) Scott Sullivan: Chief Financial Officer c) David Myers: Controller d) Buford Yates: Director of Accounting e) Cynthia Cooper: Vice-President of Internal Accounting f) Betty Vinson: Former Director of Corporate Reporting g) WorldCom's Audit committee and Board of Directors h) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) i) Arthur Anderson (Former Auditors) j) KPMG (Current Auditors) k) Investors and employees l) Banks and Ins


Accepting Myself and My Body

I am busty. I did not choose this body type but it certainly chose me. Since I was ten, the only thing I have been associated with are the masses of flesh attached to my chest, and at the age of seventeen nothing has changed. I choose among a plethora of intriguing titles, most too crude to mention, therefore leaving me to speak of the remaining most common labels of which are "curvy" and "big chested." Although there is nothing inherently evil with my body, when a woman has a chest as large as mine it dominates your appearance, drawing endless unwanted attention, as well as objectification. Attached to this attention comes un necessary stereotypical labels, allowing people to have presuppositions of me based solely off of my body type. Whether it is that I am stuck up, loose, or flaunting my body, these degrading labels portray the attitude of society which pushes the agenda that a persons val


Memories of Vietnamese Coffee

Food is not only what we consume every day, but also strongly embedded in our social patterns and helps us define our identities in many different ways. Growing up in a Vietnamese family, I have a vivid memory of Vietnamese coffee. Unlike American espresso or latte, Vietnamese coffee is unique in its own way. Roasted with Robusta beans, it has a very bitter taste, thick and strong consistency and contains a great amount of caffeine. Vietnamese coffee is often mixed with condensed milk and ice (or served hot). Since I was a little girl, my father would always bring him with me when he met up with his friends at work at a small coffee shop near where I lived. I always wanted to drink his coffee but my mother would not let me because of the great amount of caffeine in it. But sometimes my father would pour a little from his cup to my tiny hello kitty water bottle and tell me not to let mom see it. I was so in love with that bittersweet taste. It made my day every time he did that. In


Public Transportation: Reducing Air and Noise Pollution

Have you ever felt irritable about the traffic congestion when you are driving? The growing levels of congestion and air pollution found in many regions of the world because of the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. Noise and air pollution have become a huge headache for people living in the cities. Imagine when you walk on the street, you smell disgusting tints of exhaust emission from various private cars. One effective measure for this issue is to encourage the use of public transportation because it really helps to significantly reduce the carbon emissions and decreasing the possibilities of noise. Noise and air pollution describe the environmental issues of having so much uncomfortable noise and bad air quality that may pose a threat to human's health. As humans need to breathe air every second in our life, air pollution has a very grave impact on our living quality. It has now been common that people will wear layers of masks before they go outdoors. Noise polluti


The Distortion of a Communal Ambition

The fundamental question asked by virtually every freshman who takes HUM2305 at the University of Florida is the very title of the course: "What is the 'Good Life'?" At its very core, the notion of the "Good Life" is the idea of a world in balance, the idea of a world where unification and peace exist among its citizens. While many positive strides have been made by societies seeking to achieve the "Good Life," every action to this end has a consequence that manifests itself as a cost to the "Good Life" and its yearned-for attainment. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," and Dr. Melissa Lane, in her common lecture on what she has dubbed "sustainable citizenship," present the refusal to fight for social justice and the common good as one such action that imposes a psychological cost to the "Good Life" by distorting its very essence as a communal ambition and making it an individu


Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (P.A.T.H.)

P.A.T.H. International is an association that was formed to help children with special needs. P.A.T.H. stands for Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship. The organization was founded in 1969. In 1969, when the program was founded, P.A.T.H. was known as the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association. P.A.T.H. offers a diverse spectrum of therapies to a wide range of members. It is also very simple to get involved. P.A.T.H. offers many forms of therapies. The type of therapy a patient receives is based on the condition of the child. The three main therapies this program uses are hippotherapy, carriage driving, and equine facilitated psychotherapy. Hippotherapy is a treatment strategy used by occupational, physical, or speech therapists. The use of hippotherapy in speech therapy is when they have children ride horses to help control their b